Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My 2 year old said his first sentence yesterday "that wrong ball"  of course it had to do with a ball.  then last night he chunk-ed a camero at my 4 year old, no he didn't just pick on her everyone in the living room at the time had their fair share of things thrown at them no punishment worked so I decided it was time for bed.  Last Saturday a couple from our church was kind enough to let my 9 year old come out and ride their horses here are some of the pics we got.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

wow it's been over a year since I have blogged!! So let me condense 1 years worth of stuff.  Pulled the kids out of public school put them in a "christian " school, that didn't work (long story) so now they are home schooled and I would not put them back for the world.  Sure we have our days (everyday) but it is worth it.  

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

this mornin

two kids off to school 8 & 10, one helping the pastor 20, one fighting with a fire truck toy 10 mon. and the other glued to barney on tv 3. The calm before the storm.  Most mornings star off with "just a few more minutes mom, or i'm up words i hear from a bulky blanket that moves a little.  Then it's mom where is this where is that mom tell him to get out of the bathroom or mom can i use your bath room.  mom sign this mom did you sign that. bye love you mom . I hollar out have a good day i love yall. Oh no LORD forgive me I forgot to pray with them before they left " GOD watch over my babies help their minds be open to learn the things they need to learn and closed to the junk of this world. Amen. I hear a door creak come from the back of the house it's the 3 year old she is awake she must be in a good mood cause she ain't screamin  this mornin.  I love you  mommy this small voice says as she piles onto my lap. she can be soooo precious it's hard to believe she can be a not so nice child at times.  another door opens it's my 20 year old back from taking his brother and sister to school (he helps out so much) love you mom are the words he says upon entering the house ( he says that a lot ).  hey check on your brother while your back that way he is fine still sleeping.  when i check a couple hours later he aint asleep anymore he is sitting up with a can of formula he pulled off the dresser next to him poured into his lap. now its time to clean.